RFP Template

The Best RFP for Identifying the Right ESP

How does the typical RFP process look in today’s landscape? Spoiler alert: not great. Historically speaking, the RFP process does not capture your nuanced business needs, but rather includes a laundry list of boxes to check that may or may not serve you well in the future.

It’s time to prioritise each piece of functionality over being lured in by the potential of bells and whistles, which starts by:

  • Keeping an eye on emerging capabilities and market differentiators
  • Involving all stakeholders throughout the process
  • Using scorecards for evaluation
  • Evaluate pricing according to total cost for value delivered

If you’re ready to get started with an RFP for an EMP, ESP, or any other email marketing solution, download our template which includes questions designed to help you find the right platform and the ideal partner to meet your needs.

Download the Template

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