How To Decrease Cart Abandonment With Website Personalization

In today’s ecommerce industry, cart abandonment occurs at an alarming rate—almost 70% of online shoppers walk away from their cart without completing a purchase. Moreover, cart abandonment costs the economy anywhere from $2 to $4 TRILLION dollars per year. While the reasons for abandonment are many—high shipping costs, expired discount codes, lengthy delivery timelines, etc.—there’s no better way to decrease cart abandonment than with website personalization. 

Consumers want and expect personalized experiences

Recent data shows 80% of consumers want personalized experiences from brands. Why? Because a 1:1 experience makes the buying journey seamless. Instead of browsing your inventory aimlessly, visitors can land on your website and find exactly what they’re looking for. And when you meet consumer needs and expectations in a more effective way, you increase the likelihood of a completed transaction.

5 Website personalization strategies that reduce cart abandonment

While there are several ways to improve website personalization, we believe the following five strategies are the best place to start.

1. Tap into known customer tastes with on-site recommendations

One of the biggest complaints consumers have is on-site overwhelm. Whether shopping for a summer dress or a new skincare routine, online shoppers regularly feel lost because there are too many products to choose from. This feeling of overwhelm cultivates frustration, and frustration often leads to cart abandonment. To combat this problem, invest in making smarter on-site product recommendations by tapping into known data about your customers. This data can be first-party or third-party, so long as it enables you to make recommendations that are more relevant and timely for the customer.

(Image source: Retailreco)

2. Leverage overlays at the first sign of potential abandonment

The moment a visitor moves to leave your site or interrupt the checkout process, deploy an overlay to remind them about the items still waiting in their cart. For price-sensitive consumers, provide an incentive such as a discount code or free shipping to get them to return to their cart and complete the purchase. By interacting with online visitors at this crucial moment in the customer journey, you can easily motivate them to finish their purchase.

(Image source: WisePops)

3. Offer additional complementary products at checkout

Using known cart information, you can offer shoppers complimentary products at the point of checkout to create extra incentive to complete their purchase. Consider add-ons such as socks for a sneaker purchase or a setting spray for a makeup purchase. These items are not only “nice-to-haves” that excite and delight the shopper (which pushes them through the checkout process), but they’re highly relevant because they’re tied to the primary purchase.

4. Optimize landing pages and menu bars

No matter how many visitors come to your site, each unique landing page needs to create a perfect first impression of your brand. That means you must design personalized landing pages tied to user browsing history, geolocation, time of day, etc. Doing so will enhance the customer experience and increase the likelihood of a purchase. Similarly, reorganize your navigation bar based on affinity or category preferences to help shoppers find products more quickly and efficiently, which helps increase the likelihood of a transaction.

(Image source: VWO)

5. Continue personalized messaging on additional channels

It’s important to note that personalization strategies to reduce cart abandonment shouldn’t end at your site. Oftentimes consumers get distracted or are browsing on mobile but want to complete the purchase on a desktop. An abandoned cart doesn’t always equate to a lost sale, which makes personalized email reminders an effective way to encourage cart abandoners to return to your site. Use messaging and creative specific to what the shopper was interested in, and remind them that their cart is ready for checkout. For an extra added incentive, consider including a promo code in your email nudge.

(Image source: Sleeknote)

Want to learn more about decreasing cart abandonment with website personalization?

Check out our recent blog post discussing Zeta’s approach to website personalization and how it can help markers enhance engagement across the customer lifecycle.


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